okay... I noticed that I haven't given much attention to this blog for the past couple of years. It's here, I do post something once in a while, but most of my plans for this blog are still on the pages of my sketchpad and they are yet to come to life. And because this blog is almost 6 years old, I wanted to update it and make some changes to its content. Believe me, it won't be an easy task because I have to clean up 888 post (of which, only 150+ had been published), check all the links if they are still working, and finish some of my saved posts. I'm allotting a whole week just to finish this. But something tells me that it'll take more than that. Hahaha. Anyway, a week is a week. I just hope that I get to finish it on time. And if ever I don't, I hope I can make a significant change to it anyway.