Friday, January 01, 2016

2016 New Year's Resolution

A New Year. A New Beginning.


Wow! Time sure does fly so fast. Next month, this blog will be ten years old. haha! Despite not being active for long periods of time, I'm still proud that I was able to keep this blog instead of deleting it completely. Anyway, let's save this conversation for later and move on to what this post is about. 

It's been two years since I last posted a 'New Year's Resolution'. That yearly tradition of mine has been broken when I opted not to post one for 2014 and 2015. The reason being that I felt like I was just doing a "copy-paste" of my new year's resolutions every single year and I wasn't really doing anything about them which is why I couldn't cross anything off the list. I actually got tired of seeing the same old things over and over again. 

But since I'm really trying to put my life back together, I thought, "what the heck?!" and decided to make one again for this year - just to start things off.  What better day to begin self-improvement than the first day of each year, right? 

Warning: If you happen to read my posts regarding my new year's resolution during the past years, this post is just going to be a repeat of the previous posts because, yes, I am that lazy. And I admit, I didn't get to do much. Also, I've added a few more items on this list which I've found on the internet. 

So without further delay, here are my new year's resolution for the year 2016:

1. Be More Punctual.

This year, I should strive to be on time for work and always arrive 15 minutes before get-together or any scheduled engagements (e.g. meetings, etc.).

Previously, I also wrote that I should not use my vacation leaves and sick leaves unless when necessary. I crossed this off now because I've done it in 2014 when I've been only absent for six days for the whole year. And in 2015, I was able to convince myself to report for work every time I feel the urge of filing for leaves which is really a lot of improvement on my part.

2. Save moohlah!

If I'm fortunate enough to secure a new job this year, I promise to allot a portion of my salary on savings. I should also keep track of my expenses and learn to budget my money wisely. 

2015 was a year that I've bought so much stuff that I failed miserably at keeping track of my expenses. So for 2016, I will try and limit my purchases (mostly books) to just one per payday. Also, I need to open my own savings account to start saving up for the future.

3. Renew my faith.

Attend mass every Sunday and other holy days of obligation; pray the rosary; read the bible and the purpose driven life; do not forget to thank God for all his blessings; and finally go to confession.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make improvements on this resolution for three years now. I did try, but I guess my will wasn't strong enough. So for this year, I promise to be closer to God.

4. Live a healthy lifestyle

Exerise regularly; sleep before midnight; avoid staying up late (except on weekends); no more coffee after 6PM and limit coffee intake to at least one per day; take multivitamins everyday; take a shower at night regularly; do skin care routine every night without fail; and drink tea at night.

There's only one thing that has improved on this list and that is my dependence on coffee. Over the span of three years, I was able to significantly lessen my coffee consumption. Right now, I only drink coffee three times a day, sometimes even lesser. I think that is the most number of cups I've consumed in a day as compared to my usual five to seven cups per day.

5. Reinvent myself.

Wardrobe change and update at least once a month; wear accessories; and learn how to apply make-up.

I've only accomplished one thing that was previously listed on this item, and that is to change the color of my hair. I've done it last 2013 and have been doing it to this day. I've also purchase a lot of make-up since 2013 so the only thing left to do now is to actually learn how to apply them.

6. Take up a new hobby.

Knitting, sewing, or dancing; learn photography; update my bucket list; make art crafts more often; start the outline of my scrapbook and travel photo-book; get into any kind of sport; learn how to play the guitar; lettering; painting; and coloring.

Over the past three years, I was able to purchase a lot of art supplies and coloring materials. So now is the time to finally put them to use. I also bought a lot of coloring books last year and finally printed most of my travel photos. I also acquired a new digital camera so I can start learning photography. I even bought a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle as a new hobby for 2016. And of course, my guitar which I've bought some years ago, should finally be put into use as it has been collecting dust in my room.

7. Learn.

Learn a foreign language: Korean, Japanese, Spanish, French, or Mandarin; study world history; review other subjects like Psychology, etc.; search a topic that interests me and read more about it; finish an online course; get into the habit of reading the news daily; and read more books.

So last year, I've also bought a lot of books. And when I say a lot, I really mean A LOT! Sadly though, I haven't read any of them. So for this year, I would really love to read most, if not all, of them. Also, I wish to finish one of the online courses that I've sign up for for this year and be somehow fluent in at least one other language by the end of the year. In addition, I also want to read all the TIME magazine that I have now. What's the use of the subscription if I don't really read it, right?

8. Travel more.

This year, I should go to a place that I've never been before; If possible, be able to go out of the country again; and revisit Baguio, Tagaytay, Intramuros, and other places that I haven't been to for years.

I really love to travel. So for 2016, I wish to at least visit a new place or revisit a place that I haven't been to for decades. As for travel abroad, I hope to do so by the end of the year since I wan't able to join my friends on our supposedly Japan trip. I still feel regretful about that. 

9. Accomplish something on my bucket list

Again, I should work harder on crossing off items on my bucket list. I made that bucket list for a reason, not just stare at it and imagine things about it. I should be able to live it and experience it for real.

Since I've made that list, i was only able to cross off probably less than ten items on it. It's such a pity really because you know, i'm getting older, and I really wanted to finish everything on that list. But judging on my track record, I will probably need another lifetime to get everything done. So I really really need to work hard on accomplishing them. Otherwise, I will live the rest of my dying days full of regret.

10. Own a pet.

Fishes. When I finally have the resources, I'll buy 13 angel fishes and name them after Super Junior members. Also, I'll decorate the coolest aquarium ever. 

I actually wanted to have a dog as a pet but I still haven't gotten over my fear of dogs. It's such a shame really, because dogs are man's best friends and I couldn't even hold one. Should I also try to get rid of my fear of dogs this year? Let me cross my fingers on that one!

11. Redecorate my room.

Another plan that I keep on postponing. Nothing much has change with this plan. I still want fashion spreads on my wall, collage of pictures, and a world map and a map of the Philippines so that I could mark the places that I've already been to.

My brother and I plans to save up to renovate our house by end of the year so we'll see how this one goes.

12. Smile Often.

Smile. Smile. Smile. In order for me to not be mistaken as a snob, I should refrain from frowning. I should also be more welcoming, accomodating, and a lot friendlier toward others - no matter the gender, status, or even politicial views. 

I must admit that this one is a bit hard as I have a resting bitch face. hahaha. Seriously though, It's hard for me to just smile at random strangers because I am an introvert. But since this is something that I should really improve on, I will try my best at it.

13. Learn my way around the kitchen.

It's about time I start to learn how to cook something edible. Something other than instant noodles, canned goods, and something other than fried whatever. Hopefully, learn how to bake too.

I haven't done any improvement on this one as well. As a matter of fact, I still don't even know how to use the rice cooker. I know, right? But anyway, since my dad bought a mini oven just for me, I will start learning before the year ends. I am running out of excuses not to finish this one. I should probably start with the basics and then finally learn how to cook my favorite dishes. If my mom was able to learn, so can I!

14. Try out something new this 2016.

Paintball, Go-Kart Racing, Bowling, Ice-Skating, Target Shooting; or eating something that I haven't eaten yet: sushi, isaw, dinuguan; or experience something new: watch a theatrical play, play lotto, or visit museums.

This item is actually linked to my bucket list resolution as some of the items listed here are part of that list. Anyway, I really wanted to do something new this year. I wanted to change my oh-so-boring life. So, hopefully, this will get done even before the year ends.

15. Start a meditation process.

I've read in a blog somewhere (sorry, I forgot the name) that meditation is actually good for a person. If you want to escape your stressful world even just momentarily, this is the way to go. It will actually heal your spirit in so many ways and it is actually rather beneficial for the mind, soul and body.

16. Stop Procrastinating. 

I've always been honest with this: I AM A MASTER PROCRASTINATOR. I keep on finding or making this excuses not to this or that and putting things off for later then completely forgetting about them... I need some professional help. Hahaha. Kidding aside, I really need to fix this "habit" of mine as my to-do list keeps on getting longer and I haven't finish one of them. No wonder I couldn't even finish this new year's resolution.

17. Become more confident, decisive and organized.

My closest friend could really attest to me being indecisive. When they ask me what do I want, I keep saying I don't know. I will say one thing then change it to another one and then go back to my first choice then still think of my second. It has always been like that for me so I really need to fix this too. Also, I need to learn how make decisions on my own and not rely on my friends especially with things such as where to eat, what to eat, etc. 

Also, I need to be more confident. Actually, I've been improving on this one but it's still lacking base on my own standards. So yeah, this should also be addressed this year. With being more organized, I think my room and my life needs an overhaul. I used to be kind of OC when it comes to my things, but looking back at the past years and how my room looks like now, I need to bring that side of me back.

18. Keep a Journal

I need to do this one as I want to remember things that happened to me on a certain day or  period of time. I also need to keep one as I'm getting all these ideas that I sometimes forget about them especially when I don't write them on paper. Keeping a journal is like a pensive. I can remember things or moments that took place on a particular day. I will be able to remember the people, the emotion, etc. This is based on actual experience as I have been rereading portions of my diary and I felt so happy that I was able to capture the emotions I felt on a particular day. Reading them again was like travelling through time. So yeah, this one should be done again.

19. Lose Weight

Eat more fruits; learn to eat more vegetables; eat fewer calories; drink plenty of water, and make breakfast a priority.

This one is actually my top priority this year. Two years ago, I weigh 120 pounds. It's actually kind of okay as it has been my goal to gain a few pounds since I used to be really skinny then. That was already an okay weight for me. Now, I weigh a whooping 146 pounds. It seems like I've been gaining ten pounds each year. This new weight of mine is rather unhealthy for my height of 5'2". Also, the soles of my feet are starting to hurt even if I've only walked short distances. It's also hard for me to climb stairs which wasn't a problem two years ago. I also felt that I've been catching my breath a lot lately. 

So this year, I want to go back to my old weight two years ago, if I'm hardworking enough, I want to weigh even less than my goal. I want to enjoy being fit again. So I really need to start working on it this year. 

20. Don't dwell on the past.

Lastly, this is something that I should also work on this year. I've been feeling nostalgia about so many things lately. I've been living and imagining my past. I mean it's okay to revisit the past once in a while, but I realized that I've been doing it a lot. Even my conversations with friends are all about past memories. I couldn't even tell a new story because I've been living on my past. Dwelling on it. Letting it consume me. So for this year, I promise to live in the present and look forward to the future!

Well, there goes all my resolutions for 2016. As for item #14 on my previous list (falling in love), I decided not to make it a priority for this year. I just want to focus on improving myself first. But hey, if the heavens finally permitted me to meet the one that is a perfect match for me, who am I to refuse right?

Like always, I wish that the new year would prove to be a lot better for me, resolution-wise and otherwise. Cheers to 2016! 

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