Thursday, September 04, 2008

My Top 5 Super Junior Members

My fellow Suju addicts and I were discussing this earlier, Who's our Top 5 fave Suju members? Though I like the group (all 13 of them), of course, I still have my favorites. And it's kind of hard to pick just 5. So anyway, here's who made it on my list...

1. Kyuhyun - He's my #1 fave member. I like him because he's such a good singer. He's actually the first member that I knew of. Fell immediately in love with his voice when he sang 'A Whole New World' with Filipina singer Charice Pempengco in an episode of Star King. I do hope to get to know him more in the coming days... :)

2. Leeteuk - I like teukkie oppa because he is so nice. He's the leader (and the oldest) of the group. Plus, I really like teukkie oppa's dimples...

3. Yesung - He wasn't my favorite before, though I also noticed him during the Star King episode. Anyway, I've gotten to like him more when I finished watching EHB (Exploration of the Human Body). He was sooo funny there. Yesung = the everyday demonstration guy. Then I also liked the fact that he's such a good singer too.

4. Donghae - I like Donghae because he's such a great dancer. And he's cute too. He was my second fave member before... Anyway, I still like him (though not as much as before). And he's still cute.

5. Hankyung - I like him because he's really funny in Full House. And I like that he's caring...

Note: Pictures were taken from their 2008 Planner.

Super Junior... fighting!

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