I found this questions while I was doing a routine check of anything related to Super Junior in the Google search engine. I found this on a blog and thought I should try to answer this myself. Here it goes...
From: kattun_lover
+okay i just took the super junior song survey by kehleejayand it was fun so i decided to make a survey too YAY\ps number 8 is coppied form cartoon kattun :) kk
1. fave member:
:: my fave member has got to be Kyuhyun!
2. (BE HONEST) yes or no: i memorized all thirteen members' names:
:: of course! you're not a REAL fan of the group if you can't tell their names. Hehe.
3. Only 13 or iLOVEhenry&zhoumi:
:: I don't have anything against them, but I think 13 is really enough. Anyway, Henry & Zhoumi are good too. I personally like Henry cause he can play the violin.
4. how many pictures do you have of suju (you dont have to be exact):
:: A thousand? I'm not sure. All I know is that I keep saving all pics that i find on the web about them. And my brother is complaining because my Suju stuffs (pics, vids, etc) is taking up 'serious' space on our laptop.
5. have you ever switched favorite members? (be specific who):
:: I've always liked Kyuhyun. He's really the first one. But I do have another fave member before which is Donghae. But now, Yesung and Teukkie oppa are my current faves aside from Kyu.
6. cutest member:
:: Cutest for me is Sungmin. then Teukkie oppa, followed closely by Donghae.
7. hottest member:
:: Hottest member is Siwon and then Kibum ( 'o' )v
(for eight they all need to be different and i know its hard but only one)
8a. member you would like to marry:
:: Of course, Kyuhyun. (Don't care if he's 4 years YOUNGER! Age is nothing but a number!)
8b. member you would like to date:
:: Since I can't choose Kyu anymore, I'll go with Yesung. We're the same age. And I heard that he's really fun to be with. I like to have a good laugh.
8c. member you would like as a best friend:
:: Hankyung. Because he's so caring.
8d. member you would like as a pet&what animal:
:: As a pet. Eunhyukkie. He'll be my pet dog. I think he'll make me laugh when I feel sad.
9. prettiest member:
:: Hands down... Heechul oppa is the prettiest!
10. best singer:
:: Kyuhyun. Love his voice on 'The One I Love' song.
numbers11~17 new by kehleejay
11. member you think deserves more love than they get:
:: Shindong? Hehe. I don't know.
12. member you think is most like yourself:
:: Hankyung. We both love taking care of others.
13. member you find yourself jealous of all the time and why:
:: Kibum. He's sooo handsome... plus he's good at acting. I wish I was half as good. Then I also envy Donghae cause he's such a good dancer.
14. best dressed member:
:: Siwon. Actually, he looks good at whatever he wears. (Another person that I envy!)
15. funniest member:
:: A tie between Eunhyuk and Yesung. They're both funny. I like them both on EHB. Especially Yesung. All around demonstration guy. And then Eunhyuk's acting with the girl and him being an MC, then challenging Yesung on arm-wrestling... So funny!
16. weirdest couple (between the members):
:: Weird? Kyuhyun and Hankyung
17. OTP (between the members): btw for some people (like me) who doesnt know what OTP is OTP = One True Pairing
:: Eunhyuk and Donghae. I still find it weird though. Cause I'm really not into this pairing thing.
Super Junior Fighting! ( 'o' )v
From: kattun_lover
+okay i just took the super junior song survey by kehleejayand it was fun so i decided to make a survey too YAY\ps number 8 is coppied form cartoon kattun :) kk
1. fave member:
:: my fave member has got to be Kyuhyun!
2. (BE HONEST) yes or no: i memorized all thirteen members' names:
:: of course! you're not a REAL fan of the group if you can't tell their names. Hehe.
3. Only 13 or iLOVEhenry&zhoumi:
:: I don't have anything against them, but I think 13 is really enough. Anyway, Henry & Zhoumi are good too. I personally like Henry cause he can play the violin.
4. how many pictures do you have of suju (you dont have to be exact):
:: A thousand? I'm not sure. All I know is that I keep saving all pics that i find on the web about them. And my brother is complaining because my Suju stuffs (pics, vids, etc) is taking up 'serious' space on our laptop.
5. have you ever switched favorite members? (be specific who):
:: I've always liked Kyuhyun. He's really the first one. But I do have another fave member before which is Donghae. But now, Yesung and Teukkie oppa are my current faves aside from Kyu.
6. cutest member:
:: Cutest for me is Sungmin. then Teukkie oppa, followed closely by Donghae.
7. hottest member:
:: Hottest member is Siwon and then Kibum ( 'o' )v
(for eight they all need to be different and i know its hard but only one)
8a. member you would like to marry:
:: Of course, Kyuhyun. (Don't care if he's 4 years YOUNGER! Age is nothing but a number!)
8b. member you would like to date:
:: Since I can't choose Kyu anymore, I'll go with Yesung. We're the same age. And I heard that he's really fun to be with. I like to have a good laugh.
8c. member you would like as a best friend:
:: Hankyung. Because he's so caring.
8d. member you would like as a pet&what animal:
:: As a pet. Eunhyukkie. He'll be my pet dog. I think he'll make me laugh when I feel sad.
9. prettiest member:
:: Hands down... Heechul oppa is the prettiest!
10. best singer:
:: Kyuhyun. Love his voice on 'The One I Love' song.
numbers11~17 new by kehleejay
11. member you think deserves more love than they get:
:: Shindong? Hehe. I don't know.
12. member you think is most like yourself:
:: Hankyung. We both love taking care of others.
13. member you find yourself jealous of all the time and why:
:: Kibum. He's sooo handsome... plus he's good at acting. I wish I was half as good. Then I also envy Donghae cause he's such a good dancer.
14. best dressed member:
:: Siwon. Actually, he looks good at whatever he wears. (Another person that I envy!)
15. funniest member:
:: A tie between Eunhyuk and Yesung. They're both funny. I like them both on EHB. Especially Yesung. All around demonstration guy. And then Eunhyuk's acting with the girl and him being an MC, then challenging Yesung on arm-wrestling... So funny!
16. weirdest couple (between the members):
:: Weird? Kyuhyun and Hankyung
17. OTP (between the members): btw for some people (like me) who doesnt know what OTP is OTP = One True Pairing
:: Eunhyuk and Donghae. I still find it weird though. Cause I'm really not into this pairing thing.
Super Junior Fighting! ( 'o' )v
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