Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Q&A... 021

Single, Taken, Naked or Flirt?

:: Single.

Are you happy with that?

:: Not really.

Would you still kiss your ex?

:: If it's an amicable break-up and we're both not in a relationship with others, then sure... why not?

Have you ever had your heart broken?

:: I felt like I've answered this question a dozen times and my answer remains the same. Yes, I had.

Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay?

:: No. Cheating in itself is something bad. It's somewhat equivalent to lying.

Have you ever talked about marriage? with whom?

:: Yes, with a certain someone. And my aunts never failed to remind me that I'm getting older so it's time to settle down. Yeah, right.

Do you want children? How many?

:: Yes. Two boys and two girls to make it even.

If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?

:: Yes, please. I no longer want to guess. I've become more and more impatient.

Do you want someone you can't have?

:: Yes. And that in itself is heartbreaking.

Have you ever been in love?

:: When I think about it, as in really think about it, yes... I've been in love. Sadly though, I couldn't stay in love for long.

Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?

:: Of course. It's like a reminder of how much you have grown together.

Do you believe that you can change for someone?

:: I can, it's just a matter if I wanted to or not.

Is it a good day?

:: Yes. Could be better, but yeah... it's good enough.

Have you ever broken a heart before?

:: I might have. I'm not quite certain.

Does your ex still have feelings for you?

:: Ask him. He knows.

How many has viewed your profile?

:: I don't keep track of things like that. 

Do you believe in long distance relationships?

:: Yes. As the saying goes, "If there's a will, there's a way." Trust, Fidelity and Loyalty are the keys for the relationship to work.

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